What Is an Expert Witness in Criminal Defense?
When a criminal case heads to court, presenting compelling eyewitness testimony and evidence is crucial for the state, but also may be crucial for the defense. However, there are instances when civilian witnesses, or physical evidence, alone may not be sufficient. This is where the role of an expert witness
Misdemeanor FAQ – Arizona
Should I hire an attorney for a misdemeanor? In the state of Arizona, a misdemeanor denotes a criminal violation less grave than a felony, usually resulting in a punishment of less than 6 months of incarceration. Although it is not legally required to hire an attorney, we highly recommend seeking out
Navigating Prescription Drug Crimes in Arizona
Prescription drug crimes in Arizona pose a significant concern, as they contribute to the growing problem of substance abuse and illicit drug activities. The misuse of prescription drugs has become a widespread epidemic across the nation, prompting Arizona legislators to enact measures aimed at apprehending individuals engaged in prescription drug
Understanding Class 6 Felonies in Arizona
In Arizona, felonies are classified into various categories based on their severity. A class 6 felony is the least severe of these categories, but can still result in severe punishments. It’s important not to underestimate the effect and consequences of these charges. At The Litwak Law Group, we recognize the gravity
Understanding the Burden of Proof and Presumption of Innocence in Criminal Cases
In any criminal trial in Arizona, the burden of proof lies with the prosecution, not the defense. This is a core tenet of the criminal justice system which ensures the accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. But what is the burden of proof, and how
Can Police Search Your Phone After An Arrest?
When you're placed under arrest, a lot of questions will probably begin to race through your mind. You may wonder if a police officer has the authority to search you and to search through your belongings, and particularly if they can search through your phone. Knowing the limits to of
Defending Against Money Laundering Charges in Arizona
Money laundering is a serious criminal offense. It involves disguising money obtained through illegal activities to make them appear legitimate. It is a complex and heavily regulated area of law that can have severe consequences for those involved. If you are facing money laundering charges in Arizona, you need to understand
The Basics of Arizona Criminal Trespass Law
In Arizona, property owners generally have a right to exclude others from their property, and if this right is violated by someone, it becomes a criminal offense. Criminal trespass is often accompanied by burglary, but this article will only focus on the trespass element, as trespass can easily occur without
Understanding Misdemeanor DUI Laws in Arizona
Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious criminal offense in Arizona that can have severe consequences for those who are convicted. If you or a loved one has been charged with a DUI in Arizona, it is important to understand the state's DUI laws and the potential penalties that
How do Bail and Bonds Work in Arizona?
Getting out on bail is a common refrain in America, and there are many misconceptions about the bail and bond process. What is bail and how is it different than bonds? What qualifies someone for bail? How expensive is it? How long can someone be “out on bail”? All these