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ARS §13-1203 and Aggravated Assault in Arizona Aggravated assault charges are very serious charges and is considered a felony. It falls under the classification of assault (ARS §13-1203) where you intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly caused any sort of physical harm to another person. It could be a situation where you intentionally placed

What Are the Three Elements of Self-Defense? Is it legal to defend yourself if someone attacks you? Well… it depends on the circumstances. Self-defense is a defense based on justification under A.R.S 13-404 and is often used in assault, battery, and any other crimes that involve physical force. It basically means

Can Police Continue to Question You About Topics Unrelated to the Traffic Stop After the Purpose for the Traffic Stop is Over? After a police officer stops you they cannot question you on matters unrelated to the traffic stop. However, if they have reasonable and articulable suspicion that there is a